PCSS-MAUD Office Hours

PCSS-MAUD Office Hours

Join the PCSS-MAUD Office Hours to speak with our clinical experts! Our Office Hour series provides a space for open discussion for healthcare professionals to ask questions and receive answers and support from experts in the field.

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Closing the Treatment Gap: Integrating Alcohol Use Services & Medications for Alcohol Use Disorder into Primary Care
to Nov 7

Closing the Treatment Gap: Integrating Alcohol Use Services & Medications for Alcohol Use Disorder into Primary Care

This two-day training will provide a comprehensive overview of alcohol use disorder (AUD), AUD treatment and recovery options, including medications for alcohol use disorder and cultural considerations for treating different populations. This training is eligible for 8 CE credits!

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Closing the Treatment Gap: Integrating Medications for Alcohol Use Disorder into Primary Care

Closing the Treatment Gap: Integrating Medications for Alcohol Use Disorder into Primary Care

PCSS-MAUD will host a FREE in-person pre-conference session at the CHAMPS/NWRPCA Fall 2024 Primary Care Conference. The training will provide an overview of medications for alcohol use disorder, alcohol withdrawal syndrome and how to integrate AUD services into primary care. This training is eligible for 4 CE credits!

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Prevention of Alcohol Use Within Adolescents

Prevention of Alcohol Use Within Adolescents

This case-based discussion presented by Carolyn Swensen will explore key components of preventing the initiation and escalation of alcohol use in adolescents and include identifying risk and protective factors, screening, brief motivational interventions, monitoring and support for escalating alcohol use, and the integration of harm reduction and cultural humility when working with adolescents and families. This session is available for up to 1.5 CE credits.

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An Approach to Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) in American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/AN)

An Approach to Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) in American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/AN)

Join Dr. Anthony Dekker to discuss alcohol use disorder (AUD) in tribal populations in this webinar hosted by the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry. Attendees will learn how to identify the comprehensive needs and treatment options for American Indian and Alaska Natives (AI/AN) with AUD, recognize the challenges related to AUD in Indian Country, describe the risks of alcohol use associated with controlled substances, and implement a multidisciplinary approach, including Traditional Indigenous Medicine (TIM) for treating AUD.

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Medications for Alcohol Use Disorder in Patients with Liver Disease: Leveraging an Underutilized Tool

Medications for Alcohol Use Disorder in Patients with Liver Disease: Leveraging an Underutilized Tool

To learn more about why and how MAUD can be useful when working with patients with liver disease, join the National Council for Mental Wellbeing on June 26th from 1-2p ET for our latest PCSS-MAUD Webinar, Medications for Alcohol Use Disorder in Patients with Liver Disease: Leveraging an Underutilized Tool. Hear from two hepatologists who have successfully incorporated MAUD into their respective practices, and how they are leveraging these medications to protect liver health.

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